Monday, May 10, 2010

Lupus, Leo et Oves (Abstemius)

SOURCE: You can find both the first and second "hecatomythia" of Abstemius in Nevelet's monumental Aesop published in 1610, available at GoogleBooks. You can find out more about Abstemius at the Aesopus wiki. This is fable 142 in Abstemius. Perry only includes a few sporadic fables from Abstemius in his index, and there is no Perry number for this fable.

READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons or accent marks - and read the text out loud until you feel comfortable and confident. Then, try reading the unmarked text at the bottom. It should be easy for you after practicing with the marked texts. :-)

MACRONS. Here is the text with macrons:

Lupus et leo contracta inter sē amīcitia victum quaeritābant, tum lupus audītō ovium bālātū, confīde, inquit, amīce, cibus iam aderit. Secūtus ergō ovium vōcem, cum ad ovīle pervēnisset, reperit illud optimē mūnītum, et canēs prope dormientēs. Reversus igitur ad leōnem, nōn placet, inquit, mihi, quod in praesentiā edāmus ovēs, Macilentae enim admodum sunt, sināmus eās pinguescere, reditūrī, cum fuerint pinguēs effectae. Fābula arguit quī impedītī nē quid faciant, sē nōluisse argūmentantur.

ACCENT MARKS. Here is the text with ecclesiastical accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):

Lupus et leo contrácta inter se amicítia victum quaeritábant, tum lupus audíto óvium balátu, confíde, inquit, amíce, cibus iam áderit. Secútus ergo óvium vocem, cum ad óvile pervenísset, réperit illud óptime munítum, et canes prope dormiéntes. Revérsus ígitur ad leónem, non placet, inquit, mihi, quod in praeséntia edámus oves, Maciléntae enim ádmodum sunt, sinámus eas pinguéscere, reditúri, cum fúerint pingues efféctae. Fábula árguit qui impedíti ne quid fáciant, se noluísse argumentántur.

UNMARKED TEXT. Here is the unmarked text - after practicing with the marked text that you prefer, you should not have any trouble with the unmarked text:

Lupus et leo
contracta inter se amicitia
victum quaeritabant,
tum lupus
audito ovium balatu,
confide, inquit, amice,
cibus iam aderit.
Secutus ergo ovium vocem,
cum ad ovile pervenisset,
reperit illud
optime munitum,
et canes prope dormientes.
Reversus igitur ad leonem,
non placet, inquit, mihi,
in praesentia edamus oves,
Macilentae enim admodum sunt,
sinamus eas pinguescere,
cum fuerint pingues effectae.
Fabula arguit
qui impediti
ne quid faciant,
se noluisse argumentantur.

IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story (image source), showing a wolf and a lion: