Thursday, May 6, 2010

Calvus et Hortulanus (Ademar)

SOURCE: You can find the fables of Ademar in Hervieux, volume 2, which is available at GoogleBooks. This is fable 24 in Ademar. For other versions, see Perry 560.

READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons or accent marks - and read the text out loud until you feel comfortable and confident. Then, try reading the unmarked text at the bottom. It should be easy for you after practicing with the marked texts. :-)

MACRONS. Here is the text with macrons:

Calvus petiit ā vīcīnō Hortulānō, ut daret sibi dē mēlōnibus. Ille dērīdēns dixit: Vāde, Calve, vāde, Calve; vel nōlō meōs dare mēlōnēs, quia tū rusticus es. Hieme et aestāte semper habeat mala tua calvāria: muscae et tabānī super frontem tuam, quī comedant et bibant sanguinem dē ipsō capite calvō, et posteā stercorizent. Calvus īrātus, ēvāgīnāns gladium, apprehendit capillōs eius, ut interficeret. Hortulānus, accipiēns ūnum mēlōnem, percussit Calvum in fronte. Calvus praevalēns amputāvit caput eius. Quī nec petentibus bona tribuunt, neque bonīs sermōnibus vel respōnsis tribuunt.

ACCENT MARKS. Here is the text with ecclesiastical accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):

Calvus pétiit a vicíno Hortuláno, ut daret sibi de melónibus. Ille derídens dixit: Vade, Calve, vade, Calve; vel nolo meos dare melónes, quia tu rústicus es. Híeme et aestáte semper hábeat mala tua calvária: muscae et tabáni super frontem tuam, qui cómedant et bibant sánguinem de ipso cápite calvo, et póstea stercorízent. Calvus irátus, evagínans gládium, apprehéndit capíllos eius, ut interfíceret. Hortulánus, accípiens unum melónem, percússit Calvum in fronte. Calvus praévalens amputávit caput eius. Qui nec peténtibus bona tríbuunt, neque bonis sermónibus vel respónsis tríbuunt.

UNMARKED TEXT. Here is the unmarked text - after practicing with the marked text that you prefer, you should not have any trouble with the unmarked text:

petiit a vicino Hortulano,
ut daret sibi de melonibus.
Ille deridens dixit:
Vade, Calve, vade, Calve;
vel nolo meos dare melones,
quia tu rusticus es.
Hieme et aestate
semper habeat mala
tua calvaria:
muscae et tabani
super frontem tuam,
qui comedant
et bibant sanguinem
de ipso capite calvo,
et postea stercorizent.
Calvus iratus,
evaginans gladium,
apprehendit capillos eius,
ut interficeret.
accipiens unum melonem,
percussit Calvum in fronte.
Calvus praevalens
amputavit caput eius.
nec petentibus bona tribuunt,
neque bonis sermonibus
vel responsis tribuunt.

IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story (image source) showing someone reaching for a melon: