Thursday, May 6, 2010

Leo et Rana (Osius)

SOURCE: The poem comes from Phryx Aesopus Habitu Poetico, by Hieronymus Osius, published in 1574, and online at the University of Mannheim as page images and text scan. This is poem 73 in the collection. For parallel versions, see Perry 141.

READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons in verse form, or macrons in prose order, or accent marks in prose order, or focusing on the meter. You will find materials for all of these options below. :-)

VERSE MACRONS. Here is the verse text with macrons:

Sustinet ingentēs tōtō quōs ēdere rictū
Rāna, sonōs pavitāns hausit ut aure Leo:
Perculsum perhibent clāmoribus ācriter illīs,
Ēdere quōs magnam crēdidit ipse feram.
Mox animō redeunte tamen circumspicit audax,
Inque hostem positō sē parat ille metū.
At dē vīcīnō repentem flūmine Rānam
Observāns, temerē sē stupuisse videt.
Concipit hinc īram pariter, pariterque pudōrem,
Iamque domāns Rānam calce premente necat.
Quōlibet est strepitū rēs digna pudōre monērī,
Explōrāta parum turpe timēre virō.

PROSE MACRONS. Here is the same text with macrons written out in prose word order:

Rāna rictū tōtō sonōs ingentēs ēdere sustinet quōs ut Leo, pavitāns, aure hausit, perhibent ācriter perculsum clāmoribus illīs, quōs ipse crēdidit feram magnam ēdere. Mox tamen, animō redeunte, ille audax circumspicit, et, metū positō, sē in hostem parat. At dē flūmine vīcīnō Rānam repentem observāns, videt sē temerē stupuisse. Hinc īram pariter concipit, et pariter pudōrem, et iam Rānam necat, calce premente domāns. quōlibet strepitū, rēs digna pudōre monērī est; virō turpe timēre parum explōrāta.

STRESS (ACCENT) MARKS. Here is the prose text with accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):

Rana rictu toto sonos ingéntes édere sústinet quos ut Leo, pávitans, aure hausit, pérhibent ácriter percúlsum clamóribus illis, quos ipse crédidit feram magnam édere. Mox tamen, ánimo redeúnte, ille audax circúmspicit, et, metu pósito, se in hostem parat. At de flúmine vicíno Ranam repéntem obsérvans, videt se témere stupuísse. Hinc iram páriter cóncipit, et páriter pudórem, et iam Ranam necat, calce preménte domans. Quólibet strépitu, res digna pudóre monéri est; viro turpe timére parum exploráta.

ELEGIAC COUPLET METER. Below I have used an interpunct dot · to indicate the metrical elements in each line, and a double line || to indicate the hemistichs of the pentameter line.

Sustinet· ingen·tēs tō·tō quōs· ēdere ·rictū
Rāna, so·nōs pavi·tāns || hausit ut ·aure Le·o:
Percul·sum perhi·bent clā·moribus· ācriter· illīs,
Ēdere ·quōs mag·nam || crēdidit· ipse fe·ram.
Mox ani·mō rede·unte ta·men cir·cumspicit ·audax,
Inqu~ hos·tem posi·tō || sē parat· ille me·tū.
At dē ·vīcī·nō re·pentem· flūmine ·Rānam
Obser·vāns, teme·rē || sē stupu·isse vi·det.
Concipit· hinc ī·ram pari·ter, pari·terque pu·dōrem,
Iamque do·māns Rā·nam || calce pre·mente ne·cat.
Quōlibet· est strepi·tū rēs ·digna pu·dōre mo·nērī,
Explō·rāta pa || rum || turpe ti·mēre vi·rō.

IMAGE. Here's an illustration for the fable (image source) showing a puppet theater with a lion and a frog:

What follows is an unmarked version of the prose rendering to faciliate word searches: Rana rictu toto sonos ingentes edere sustinet quos ut Leo, pavitans, aure hausit, perhibent acriter perculsum clamoribus illis, quos ipse credidit feram magnam edere. Mox tamen, animo redeunte, ille audax circumspicit, et, metu posito, se in hostem parat. At de flumine vicino Ranam repentem observans, videt se temere stupuisse. Hinc iram pariter concipit, et pariter pudorem, et iam Ranam necat, calce premente domans. quolibet strepitu, res digna pudore moneri est; viro turpe timere parum explorata.