Friday, May 7, 2010

Puer et Agricolae (Desbillons)

SOURCE: For a complete edition of the fables of Desbillons, the 18th-century Jesuit scholar and poet, see GoogleBooks. This is fable 2.6. For parallel versions, see Perry 210.

READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons in verse form, or macrons in prose order, or accent marks in prose order, or focusing on the iambic meter. You will find materials for all of these options below. :-)

VERSE MACRONS. Here is the verse text with macrons:

Succurrite, lupus ēn adest, clāmāverat
Semel iterumque per iocum nugax puer,
Custos bidentum, crēdulosque excīverat
Agricolās: at opem postulāre sēriō
Cum deinde cōgerētur, hī metuunt dolum,
Nec iam subveniunt; et lupus praedam rapit.
Quīcumque mendax esse crēditur, licet
Aliquando vērum dīcat, haud facit fidem.

PROSE MACRONS. Here is the same text with macrons written out in prose word order:

Puer nugax, custos bidentum per iocum, semel et iterum, clāmāverat: "Succurrite; lupus ēn adest," et agricolās crēdulos excīverat. At cum deinde sēriō opem postulāre cōgerētur, hī dolum metuunt et iam nōn subveniunt; et lupus praedam rapit. Quīcumque mendax esse crēditur, licet aliquando vērum dīcat, fidem haud facit.

STRESS (ACCENT) MARKS. Here is the prose text with accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):

Puer nugax, custos bidéntum per iocum, semel et íterum, clamáverat: "Succúrrite; lupus en adest," et agrícolas crédulos excíverat. At cum deinde sério opem postuláre cogerétur, hi dolum métuunt et iam non subvéniunt; et lupus praedam rapit. Quicúmque mendax esse créditur, licet aliquándo verum dicat, fidem haud facit.

IAMBIC METER. Here is the verse text with some color coding to assist in the iambic meter. The disyllabic elements (iambs/spondees) are not marked, but the trisyllabic elements are color-coded: dactyls are red, anapests are purple, and tribrachs are green (as is any proceleusmaticus, although that is a rare creature); for more information, here are some Notes on Iambic Meter.

Succur·rite, lu·pus ēn· adest,· clāmā·verat
Semel i·terum·que per· iocum· nugax· puer,
Custos· biden·tum, crē·dulos·qu~ excī·verat
Agrico·lās: at o·pem pos·tulā·re sē·riō
Cum dein·de cō·gerē·tur, hī· metuunt· dolum,
Nec iam· subveni·unt; et· lupus· praedam· rapit.
Quīcum·que men·dax es·se crē·ditur,· licet
Aliquan·do vē·rum dī·cat, haud· facit· fidem.

IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story (image source) from a Renaissance edition of Aesop:

What follows is an unmarked version of the prose rendering to faciliate word searches:
Puer nugax, custos bidentum per iocum, semel et iterum, clamaverat: "Succurrite; lupus en adest," et agricolas credulos exciverat. At cum deinde serio opem postulare cogeretur, hi dolum metuunt et iam non subveniunt; et lupus praedam rapit. Quicumque mendax esse creditur, licet aliquando verum dicat, fidem haud facit.