Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paterfamilias, Canis et Gallinae Raptae (Abstemius)

SOURCE: You can find both the first and second "hecatomythia" of Abstemius in Nevelet's monumental Aesop published in 1610, available at GoogleBooks. You can find out more about Abstemius at the Aesopus wiki. This is fable 149 in Abstemius. Perry only includes a few sporadic fables from Abstemius in his index, and there is no Perry number for this fable.

READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons or accent marks - and read the text out loud until you feel comfortable and confident. Then, try reading the unmarked text at the bottom. It should be easy for you after practicing with the marked texts. :-)

MACRONS. Here is the text with macrons:

Paterfamilias oblītus haram in quā gallīnae pernoctābant, claudere, cum māne surrexisset, reperit omnēs ā vulpe occīsās, et ablātās esse, indignātus igitur in canem, tamquam malum rērum suārum custōdem, multīs illum afficiēbat plāgīs. Cui ille: Sī tū, inquit, cui gallīnae ōva et pullōs pariēbant, in occlūdendō ostiō negligēns fuistī: quid mīrum, sī egō altō sopōre oppressus, vulpem venientem nōn sēnsī, quī nulla ex illīs ēmolumenta percipiēbam. Fābula indicat haud umquam spērandum dīligentem fore familiam cuius paterfamilias negligēns fuerit.

ACCENT MARKS. Here is the text with ecclesiastical accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):

Paterfamílias oblítus haram in qua gallínae pernoctábant, claúdere, cum mane surrexísset, réperit omnes a vulpe occísas, et ablátas esse, indignátus ígitur in canem, tamquam malum rerum suárum custódem, multis illum afficiébat plagis. Cui ille: Si tu, inquit, cui gallínae ova et pullos pariébant, in occludéndo óstio négligens fuísti: quid mirum, si ego alto sopóre oppréssus, vulpem veniéntem non sensi, qui nulla ex illis emoluménta percipiébam. Fábula índicat haud umquam sperándum diligéntem fore famíliam cuius paterfamílias négligens fúerit.

UNMARKED TEXT. Here is the unmarked text - after practicing with the marked text that you prefer, you should not have any trouble with the unmarked text:

in qua gallinae pernoctabant,
cum mane surrexisset,
a vulpe occisas,
et ablatas esse,
indignatus igitur in canem,
malum rerum suarum custodem,
multis illum afficiebat plagis.
Cui ille:
Si tu, inquit,
cui gallinae
ova et pullos pariebant,
in occludendo ostio
negligens fuisti:
quid mirum,
si ego alto sopore oppressus,
vulpem venientem non sensi,
nulla ex illis emolumenta
Fabula indicat
haud umquam sperandum
diligentem fore familiam
cuius paterfamilias
negligens fuerit.

IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story (image source), showing a medieval depiction of a fox after the chickens: