Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vulpes et Gallinae in Gallinario (Odo)

SOURCE: Odo of Cheriton's' Latin fables are available in Hervieux's edition at GoogleBooks, and there is a delightful English translation by John Jacobs: The Fables of Odo of Cheriton.

This is fable 50 in Hervieux's edition. This is not in the classical Aesopic corpus, but Perry does list in his medieval appendix as Perry 611.

READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons or accent marks - and read the text out loud until you feel comfortable and confident. Then, try reading the unmarked text at the bottom. It should be easy for you after practicing with the marked texts. :-)

MACRONS. Here is the text with macrons:

Vulpes ēsuriēns et algēns vēnit ad Gallīnārium, et rogāvit Gallīnās quod aperīrent eī. Et dīxērunt: Nōlumus aperīre, quia es inimīcus noster et semper nōbīs nocuistī. Et ait: Nihil malī vōbīs faciam, et hoc per omnēs sanctōs iūrō vōbīs. Dīxērunt Gallīnae: Nōn crēdimus tibi. Dīxit Vulpes: Bene potestis crēdere, quod iam famē et frīgore confecta dēbeō vītam termināre, et, sī mortua fuerō, imputābit vōbīs Deus. Gallus et Gallīnae pietāte ductī ostium aperuērunt. Vulpes intrāvit et parum quiēvit, et calefacta tandem, prōmissiōne oblītā, coepit ūnam Gallīnam, interfēcit, comēdit, posteā aliam, et omnēs turbāvit.

ACCENT MARKS. Here is the text with ecclesiastical accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):

Vulpes esúriens et algens venit ad Gallinárium, et rogávit Gallínas quod aperírent ei. Et dixérunt: Nólumus aperíre, quia es inimícus noster et semper nobis nocuísti. Et ait: Nihil mali vobis fáciam, et hoc per omnes sanctos iuro vobis. Dixérunt Gallínae: Non crédimus tibi. Dixit Vulpes: Bene potéstis crédere, quod iam fame et frígore confécta débeo vitam termináre, et, si mórtua fúero, imputábit vobis Deus. Gallus et Gallínae pietáte ducti óstium aperuérunt. Vulpes intrávit et parum quiévit, et calefácta tandem, promissióne oblíta, coepit unam Gallínam, interfécit, cómedit, póstea áliam, et omnes turbávit.

UNMARKED TEXT. Here is the unmarked text - after practicing with the marked text that you prefer, you should not have any trouble with the unmarked text:

esuriens et algens
venit ad Gallinarium,
et rogavit Gallinas
quod aperirent ei.
Et dixerunt:
Nolumus aperire,
quia es inimicus noster
et semper nobis nocuisti.
Et ait:
Nihil mali vobis faciam,
et hoc
per omnes sanctos
iuro vobis.
Dixerunt Gallinae:
Non credimus tibi.
Dixit Vulpes:
Bene potestis credere,
quod iam fame et frigore confecta
debeo vitam terminare,
et, si mortua fuero,
imputabit vobis Deus.
Gallus et Gallinae
pietate ducti
ostium aperuerunt.
Vulpes intravit
et parum quievit,
et calefacta tandem,
promissione oblita,
coepit unam Gallinam,
interfecit, comedit,
postea aliam,
et omnes turbavit.

IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story (image source) showing the fox and its prey: