READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons or accent marks - and read the text out loud until you feel comfortable and confident. Then, try reading the unmarked text at the bottom. It should be easy for you after practicing with the marked texts. :-)
MACRONS. Here is the text with macrons:
Rāna, palūdibus valedīcēns, novō vīvendī genere acquisītō, in silvam glōriābunda sēsē tulit et, bestiārum corōnīs circumstīpāta, medicīnae artem pūblicē profitēbātur, et in herbīs, quae ad corpora cūranda pertinent, nōbiliōrem sē vel Galēnō vel Hippocrāte esse clāmitābat. Crēdula bestiārum gēns fidem facile adhibēbat, Vulpe sōlummodo exceptā, quae sīc glōriantī irrīdēbat: “Īnsulsum vagumque animal! Quid tam vāna blatterās? Quid artem nōbilem prae tē fers, quam minimē callēs? Līvida pallidaque illa tua lābra respice! Quīn domī abī et teipsum cūra, medice! Deinde ad nōs redeās, meliōra forsan dē tē spēratūrōs.” Nihil respondente Rānā sed tacitīs sēcum gemente suspīriīs, tōta bestiārum cachinnīs resonābat silva.
ACCENT MARKS. Here is the text with ecclesiastical accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):
Rana, palúdibus valedícens, novo vivéndi génere acquisíto, in silvam gloriabúnda sese tulit et, bestiárum corónis circumstipáta, medicínae artem públice profitebátur, et in herbis, quae ad córpora curánda pértinent, nobiliórem se vel Galéno vel Hippocráte esse clamitábat. Crédula bestiárum gens fidem fácile adhibébat, Vulpe solúmmodo excépta, quae sic gloriánti irridébat: “Insúlsum vagúmque ánimal! Quid tam vana blátteras? Quid artem nóbilem prae te fers, quam mínime calles? Lívida pallidáque illa tua labra réspice! Quin domi abi et teípsum cura, médice! Deinde ad nos rédeas, melióra forsan de te speratúros.” Nihil respondénte Rana sed tácitis secum geménte suspíriis, tota bestiárum cachínnis resonábat silva.
UNMARKED TEXT. Here is the unmarked text - after practicing with the marked text that you prefer, you should not have any trouble with the unmarked text:
Rana, paludibus valedicens, novo vivendi genere acquisito, in silvam gloriabunda sese tulit et, bestiarum coronis circumstipata, medicinae artem publice profitebatur, et in herbis, quae ad corpora curanda pertinent, nobiliorem se vel Galeno vel Hippocrate esse clamitabat. Credula bestiarum gens fidem facile adhibebat, Vulpe solummodo excepta, quae sic glorianti irridebat: “Insulsum vagumque animal! Quid tam vana blatteras? Quid artem nobilem prae te fers, quam minime calles? Livida pallidaque illa tua labra respice! Quin domi abi et teipsum cura, medice! Deinde ad nos redeas, meliora forsan de te speraturos.” Nihil respondente Rana sed tacitis secum gemente suspiriis, tota bestiarum cachinnis resonabat silva.
IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story (image source).

Here is an illustration from the Medici Aesop, which is online at the New York Public Library website - as you can see here, the story is sometimes told about a worm rather than a frog!

