SOURCE: Via Latina. For more information and other versions, see the links list for Perry 210. You can find the word list for this fable online, and use it interactively (here are some tips on how to make best use of the tool).
READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons or accent marks - and read the text out loud until you feel comfortable and confident. Then, try reading the unmarked text at the bottom. It should be easy for you after practicing with the marked texts. :-)
MACRONS. Here is the text with macrons:
Puer oves pāscēns crēbrō per lūsum māgnīs clāmōribus opem rūsticōrum implōrāverat, lupōs gregem suum aggressōs esse fingēns. Saepe autem frūstrātus eōs, quī auxilium lātūrī advēnerant, tandem lupō rē vērā irruente multīs cum lacrimīs, vīcīnōs ōrāre coepit, ut sibi et gregī subvenīrent. At illī eum pariter ut anteā lūdere exīstimantēs, precēs ēius et lacrimās neglēxērunt, ita ut lupus līberē in ovēs grassārētur, plūrimāsque eārum dīlaniāret.
ACCENT MARKS. Here is the text with ecclesiastical accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):
Puer oves pascens crebro per lusum magnis clamóribus opem rusticórum imploráverat, lupos gregem suum aggréssos esse fingens. Saepe autem frustrátus eos, qui auxílium latúri advénerant, tandem lupo re vera irruénte multis cum lácrimis, vicínos oráre coepit, ut sibi et gregi subvenírent. At illi eum páriter ut ántea lúdere existimántes, preces eius et lácrimas neglexérunt, ita ut lupus líbere in oves grassarétur, plurimásque eárum dilaniáret.
UNMARKED TEXT. Here is the unmarked text - after practicing with the marked text that you prefer, you should not have any trouble with the unmarked text:
Puer oves pascens crebro per lusum magnis clamoribus opem rusticorum imploraverat, lupos gregem suum aggressos esse fingens. Saepe autem frustratus eos, qui auxilium laturi advenerant, tandem lupo re vera irruente multis cum lacrimis, vicinos orare coepit, ut sibi et gregi subvenirent. At illi eum pariter ut antea ludere existimantes, preces eius et lacrimas neglexerunt, ita ut lupus libere in oves grassaretur, plurimasque earum dilaniaret.
IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story (image source) from a Renaissance edition of Aesop: