You can find the word list for this fable online, and use it interactively (here are some tips on how to make best use of the tool).
READ OUT LOUD. Choose which marked text you prefer to practice with - macrons or accent marks - and read the text out loud until you feel comfortable and confident. Then, try reading the unmarked text at the bottom. It should be easy for you after practicing with the marked texts. :-)
MACRONS. Here is the text with macrons:
Rānae ōlim clāmōre magnō rēgem petiērunt ā Iove. Rīdet Pater deōrum atque magnum truncum ē caelō in palūdem dēiicit. Subitō mōtū aquārum sonōque perterritae mergunt et latent in līmō. Forte ūna profert ē stagnō caput et, explōrātō rēge, cūnctas ēvocat. Illae, timōre positō, adnatant; mox petulans turba in truncum insilit. Alium rēgem postulant, quoniam inūtilis esset, quī fuerat datus. Tum Iūppiter mīsit cicōniam. Ea ūnō diē magnum rānārum numerum dīlacerat, iugulat, vīvās aliās dēvorat. Reliquae mersae lūgent, flent, ōrant, ut ab hāc calamitāte līberentur. Sed deum nōn movent querēlae ac lacrimae. Benignum, inquit, et placidum regem nōn tulistis, iam ferum et barbarum fertōte!
ACCENT MARKS. Here is the text with ecclesiastical accents, plus some color-coding for the words of three or more syllables (blue: penultimate stress; red: antepenultimate stress):
Ranae olim clamóre magno regem petiérunt a Iove. Ridet Pater deórum atque magnum truncum e caelo in palúdem déiicit. Súbito motu aquárum sonóque pertérritae mergunt et latent in limo. Forte una profert e stagno caput et, exploráto rege, cunctas évocat. Illae, timóre pósito, ádnatant; mox pétulans turba in truncum ínsilit. Álium regem póstulant, quoniam inútilis esset, qui fúerat datus. Tum Iúppiter misit cicóniam. Ea uno die magnum ranárum númerum dilácerat, iúgulat, vivas álias dévorat. Réliquae mersae lugent, flent, orant, ut ab hac calamitáte liberéntur. Sed deum non movent querélae ac lácrimae. Benígnum, inquit, et plácidum regem non tulístis, iam ferum et bárbarum fertóte!
UNMARKED TEXT. Here is the unmarked text - after practicing with the marked text that you prefer, you should not have any trouble with the unmarked text:
Ranae olim clamore magno regem petierunt a Iove. Ridet Pater deorum atque magnum truncum e caelo in paludem deiicit. Subito motu aquarum sonoque perterritae mergunt et latent in limo. Forte una profert e stagno caput et, explorato rege, cunctas evocat. Illae, timore posito, adnatant; mox petulans turba in truncum insilit. Alium regem postulant, quoniam inutilis esset, qui fuerat datus. Tum Iuppiter misit ciconiam. Ea uno die magnum ranarum numerum dilacerat, iugulat, vivas alias devorat. Reliquae mersae lugent, flent, orant, ut ab hac calamitate liberentur. Sed deum non movent querelae ac lacrimae. Benignum, inquit, et placidum regem non tulistis, iam ferum et barbarum fertote!
IMAGE. Here is an illustration for the story by Walter Crane (image source).